I have made up my mind. I shall try to join and when I get in, I shall raise my sword up high!
1. Name-I used to have Axel, now I use <(TFA)>Jaden or just Jaden. DeviantART name and XFire name is LukeSythe.
2. Age-Sosoke has it. Amazing secret keeper.
3. Sex -male or female --- "yes please!" is not a suitable answer- Yes Please! XD Male.
4. Country-Washington. Wonder why they call it 'Washing-ton'.
5. Number of Years playing quake 3-About 3 to 4. Pretty much a big fan.
6. Mods you play-F4A, Generations, Xtreme Arena, Exessive, and some others I can't remember.
7. Former clans if any ---please list them in chronological order--I never have been.
8. Reasons for leaving clans - at least state the most recent one-Never have been in a clan.
9. What servers you play on-AVP's, TP's, DC's, GODS'.
10. What times do you play-Often at night, like 7.
11. Which *AVP* members you know-A lot. Don't blame me for not spesifying.
12. Main reason for wanting to join *AVP*-Well, Zero recommended me to join, and I'd like to be an All-Valuable-Player.
13. Any other information you care to share - Your face.
14. http://www.2-spyware.com/remove-antivirus-live.html My dang computer has a virus. And it's the sneaky kind too. To make matters worse, I "accidentally" FORMATTED MY MP3, so NOTHING is on there anymore. I wont be on for a long time...